Arras Theme Responsive For WordPress
We used Arras Theme for website that belong to the largest martial art organization in Indonesia, SH Terate. But unfortunately this Arras Theme is not in line with the present, where the demands need a responsive website.

We tried to find the source on the internet and it turned out that the Arras Theme website ( was inactive. Redirected to another website. Then we found the Arras Theme maker website and he referred the codes to the GitHub software development site. The last updated theme codes was at 2012.
We want to have a responsive Arras Theme. So we do initiative to add Arras Theme codes to be responsive. Already in line with the times now. If you are an old user of Arras Theme, or just want to use this theme, please download the theme as follow:
Download Arras Theme Responsive
Indonesian version:
Kami sejak lama menggunakan theme Arras untuk kebutuhan website SH Terate, sebuah organisasi pencak silat terbesar di Indonesia. Namun sayang nya Arras Theme ini sudah tidak sesuai dengan jaman sekarang, dimana menuntut website responsive.

Kami mencoba cari sumber nya di internet dan ternyata website Arras Theme ( sudah tidak aktif. Redirected ke website lain. Kemudian kami temukan website pembuat Arras Theme dan dia referensikan kode-kode nya ke situs pengembangan perangkat lunak GitHub. Kode-kode theme ter-update terakhir tahun 2012.
Kami menginginkan Arras Theme responsive. Maka kami inisiatif menambahi kode-kode Arras Theme menjadi responsive. Sudah sesuai dengan jaman now. Jika Anda pengguna lama Arras Theme, ataupun baru ingin menggunakan theme ini, silakan download theme nya :
Download Arras Theme Responsive
Arras Theme Responsive tested with WordPress 5.2.1 with classic editor. We are not responsible with plugins or other third party programs. Do your own research.
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ayo lngsung bergabung di tempat kita lagi banyak permainan baru yang di belum ada di tempat lain nya buruan daftar dan segera terus di mainkan langsung WAMA88