How to create your icon or favicon with Photoshop

How to create your icon or favicon with Photoshop

How to create your icon or favicon with Photoshop

icon.png“Ih kerennya itu icon, gimana cara bikinnya yak?”
That’s what I’m thinking when I saw a cool killer icon.
Well, here it is…

1. Create new canvas dengan ukuran 128 x 128 px dengan background putih (or choose any your fave color)


2. Start drawing anything cool graphic


4. Resize Image (Image > Image Size > ketik 16 untuk Height dan Weight, dan pixels untuk unit-nya), lalu OK. Ukuran image akan mengecil sebesar 16 x 16 pixel.


3. Done! Is it? But I need .ICO for it’s extension. Otherwise I couldn’t find this extenstion when I want to “save as”, theres no such extension on the list. Hell yea, this is the secret. You need a plugin installed on your Photoshop, a plugin to export a graphic into .ICO formatted. Come and get it!

4. Once you installed the plugin, you will see .ICO (Windows Icon) (*.ICO) on the list when you click Save As button. Choose it then give “favicon” as filename or whatever you want.


5. Now it’s done. Be proud of what you’ve created! 😉

Baca juga Cara Pasang Favicon dalam website Anda.

BOC Banner


  • Abay says:
    December 8, 2016 at 1:46 am

    wah gambarnya blank semua gan

  • Masjid Kita says:
    December 4, 2010 at 1:23 am

    saya mencoba ini tapi sepertinya gagal, salahnya di mana mas yah???

  • feekyu says:
    October 20, 2010 at 7:10 am

    enak nih kalo buat icon terus dijual ke orang lain

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