Manage email with RoundCube Webmail

Manage email with RoundCube Webmail

Our web server facility provide webmail system that able to manage your emailing activity such as receiving and sending an email. We have provides 3 kind of email programs, they are Horde, SquirrelMail and RoundCube webmail. Now, we are talking about how to manage email using RoundCube program.

How to use RoundCube webmail system :

  1. Login to your webmail at (for client: replace with your own website name). Type Username (your email address) and password.
  2. There will be 3 logos on this page (Horde, SquirrelMail and Round Cube), Click on RoundCube webmail icon.
    In this page, you also can change password, create auto responders, configure mail client, email filtering, etc.
    Enable Autoload means that next time logon on webmail, you will be redirected to Roundcube page without stay on welcome page which consist of 3 types of email program.
  3. You are seeing (1) Check for new messages, (2) Create a new message, (3) Mark messages, (4) Reply to the message, (5) Reply to sender and all recipients, (6) Forward the message, (7) Move message to trash, (8) Print this message, (9) Double click to open the message, (10) Show source of the message, (11) Content of an email, (12) Back to email page, (13) Manage
    Address Book, (14) Personal setting – manage identity, folder and preferences, (15) Logout.

  4. Manage Personal setting. You need create a display name as a sender name of your email and also create/subscribe a folder. (16) Double click to add a display name for your sender information and also another field such of Organization and Signature.

Important !

  • Please delete unwanted email on inbox and sent folder, also permanently delete it through Trash folder. Your email has a quota space limitation. To keep receiving emails, please keep your space on a normal level. View a disk usage at the bottom of the page.
  • Sugestion : To have unlimited space based on your PC hardrive, please use mail software such as Microsoft Outlook, Thunderbird, Foxmail to manage your email activity. How to integrate an email with Microsoft Outlook, click here. For vista user, click here.
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